Photo by Léonard Cotte on Unsplash
We have entered 2024, and many Americans have drafted New Year’s goals they wish to reach in the next 366 days. Whether it be a new sport, quitting a habit, or tending to personal desires, people across the country are putting themselves on track for a fresh start. However, many goal-getters may find their enthusiasm running out, or encounter a challenging obstacle on their path. How can one journey towards victory if obstacles or a lack of excitement become a hindrance?
The best way to start anew and pursue a goal to the fullest employs planning, perseverance, and personal presents. Planning enables one to set a vision for what changes they wish to see in their lives, and can act as a blueprint for the mission ahead. Perseverance plays a role in helping a person stick to their goals even when the going gets tough, or a solution is not readily visible. Finally, personal presents are rewards given to oneself as a treat for reaching a milestone in their resolution; this can be a day of rest, time engaging in a favorite activity, or a delicious meal! These concepts can aid in accomplishing any goal, so try applying them and start anew today!
-Henrietta’s Creations Kid Blogger